The Somali Electricity Sector Recovery Project Consists the following four Project Components:
Component 1
Sub-transmission and distribution network reconstruction, reinforcement, and operations efficiency in the major load centers of Mogadishu and Hargeisa
Component 3
Stand-alone solar off-grid access to public institutions (Health and Education)
The component will finance the delivery, installation, operation and maintenance for Lighting Global–certified Solar photovoltaic systems
Component 2
Hybridization and battery storage systems for Mini grids supports activities aimed at the hybridization and optimization of existing mini grids.
Component 4
Institutional Development and Capacity Building:
This component consists of five activities tailored to the re-establishment of the sector’s soft infrastructure for the adequate day-to-day management.
Electricity Stats in Somalia
A Rochester Institute of Technology professor earned a National Science Foundation award to develop new technology software design intuitive
A Rochester Institute of Technology professor earned a National Science Foundation award to develop new technology software design intuitive
A Rochester Institute of Technology professor earned a National Science Foundation award to develop new technology software design intuitive
Creative Art
A Rochester Institute of Technology professor earned a National Science Foundation award to develop new technology software design intuitive
A Rochester Institute of Technology professor earned a National Science Foundation award to develop new technology software design intuitive
A Rochester Institute of Technology professor earned a National Science Foundation award to develop new technology software design intuitive
SESRP Project Components
Component 1
This component will improve network reliability and operational efficiency by interconnecting the current ESPs’ distribution networks and existing generation to optimize overall distribution network operations. These activities will support the ESPs to (a) decrease the cost of operations (increased generation efficiency, reduction in distribution network losses, and distribution network duplications) and (b) improve electricity supply and reliability. This component has two sub-components: (i) Generator Synchronization and Automation, and (ii) Sub transmission and Distribution network interconnection in the major load center of Mogadishu and Hargeisa.
Component 2
This component will support activities aimed at the hybridization and optimization of existing mini grids. It will support installation of Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) and Solar Photovoltaic (SPV) systems at existing diesel-based generation stations in selected load centers. This component aims at increasing the efficiency of the existing hybrid mini grids (diesel and solar) by optimizing the generation capacity and, where possible, reducing the diesel consumption by augmenting the installed capacity with BESS and additional SPV generation. Such hybrid opportunities offer significant improvements in fuel efficiency, fuel consumption, extended generator lifespans, reduced GHG emissions, and reduced combustion pollution, along with less reliance on fuel imports.
Component 3
This component complements and expands ongoing activities under the Somali Electricity Access Project (SEAP) (P165497). While SEAP already provides support for nation-wide solar home system (SHS) connectivity scale-up, including for the nomadic population, this component will expand activities to target health and education facilities, which were not part of the SEAP project scope. The component will finance the delivery, installation, and operation and maintenance (O&M) for Lighting Global–certified SPV systems over the lifetime of the project for selected education and health facilities. The activities under this component support the resilience of the Somali population from the conflict’s impact on livelihoods through improved access to functional basic services, such as health and education facilities.
Component 4
This Component consists of activities tailored to the re-establishment of the sector’s soft infrastructure for adequate day-to-day management and the establishment of an enabling institutional and regulatory environment for sector operations. Together, these activities will lead to the rebuilding of the electricity supply industry in the country and establish the fundamentals for sector development and private sector participation sustainable in the long run. They include the establishment of institutions with clear roles and responsibilities, and the development and implementation of policies, sector strategies and secondary regulations for the sector.